Course 0: Introduction to Corios Rosetta Academy

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Welcome to the Corios Rosetta Academy. We’re going to teach you how to become effective as a data engineer and a data scientist using open source frameworks on the Amazon Cloud, using your existing skills with legacy data analytics as a foundation. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to build, run, test and promote data analytics assets using a modern, proven and scalable computing platform and to migrate your legacy workloads into today’s open source, cloud centric world of data analytics.

Within each lesson you will find a video guided by your instructor, Robin Way.

A PDF version of the powerpoint displayed in these lessons is available in the Materials tab found at the top of the corresponding lesson. Additional materials including the long form content for each lesson as well as any third party resources can also be found in the materials tab. Please click the links for these resources and read through the material.

Most lessons also include a quiz that you will be required to take in order to finish the course. In order to move on to the next course you need to finish all the lessons in the previous course. Once you have completed a course, you will need to navigate back to the courses page to start the next course. You can proceed through the lessons at your own pace and you may retake the quizzes as many times as you prefer.